naive String Search Algorithm

In computer science, string-searching algorithms, sometimes named string-matching algorithms, are an important class of string algorithms that try to find a place where one or several strings (also named shapes) are found within a larger string or text. In practice, the method of feasible string-search algorithm may be affected by the string encoding.
This algorithm tries to search the given pattern in the given text.
If pattern is found from index position i in the text, 
it is added to positions.

Time Complexity : O(n*m)
    n = length of text
    m = length of pattern 

package main

import (  

func naivePatternSearch(text string, pattern string) []int { 
    var positions []int 
    for i := 0; i < len(text)-len(pattern); i++ {
        var match bool = true
        j := i +(len(pattern))
        if text[i+j] != pattern[j] {
                match = false
        if match {
            positions = append(positions, i)
    return positions

func main() {  
    pattern := "ABC"
    var positions []int = naivePatternSearch(text, pattern)
    if len(positions) == 0 {
        fmt.Printf("Pattern not found in given text!")
    } else {
        fmt.Printf("Pattern found in following position:\n")
        fmt.Printf("%v", positions)