string combinations Algorithm

The string combinations algorithm is a technique used in computer science and mathematics to generate all possible combinations of a given string's characters. This algorithm is particularly useful in solving problems related to permutations, anagrams, and combinatorics, where various arrangements of a set of elements need to be explored. It is commonly applied in fields such as cryptography, data analysis, and natural language processing. The algorithm typically operates through recursive function calls or iterative loops, systematically constructing combinations by selecting one character at a time and appending it to a growing result string. The process is repeated until all characters have been used, at which point the completed combination is added to a list of results. The algorithm then backtracks, removing the last appended character and replacing it with another unused character. This process continues until all possible combinations have been generated. In order to optimize the algorithm, techniques such as memoization, pruning, or lexicographical ordering can be employed to reduce the computational complexity and improve efficiency.
  String combinations in Go
package main

import "fmt"

type Combinations struct {
	out []rune
	in  []rune

func startCombinations(input string) {
	c := &Combinations{
		in: []rune(input),


func (c *Combinations) Combine(seed int) {
	inLen := len(
	for i := seed; i < inLen-1; i++ {
		c.out = append(c.out,[i])
		c.Combine(i + 1)
		c.out = c.out[:len(c.out)-1]
	c.out = append(c.out,[inLen-1])
	c.out = c.out[:len(c.out)-1]